
Background: TASO Uganda Limited-Rukungiri Center is supported by United States Agency for International Development-USAID to carry out VMMC in western Uganda. With the new target of 1,520 males to get VMMC by September 2018, it has increasingly became hard to get VMMC volunteers where VMMC camps are held. We identified the use of TASO Vehicle as a mobile van to take mobilization to communities. We examined the use of mobile van to mobilization of VMMC in January 2017 to December 2017.
Description: A branded TASO Designated Land cruiser with “TASO HIV prevention and Care services” was rolled out to help in the mobilization for VMMC volunteers. The land cruiser was mounted with a functioning public address system on top with SMC mobiliser and a Counsellor inside the vehicle to implement mobilization activities so as to get VMMC volunteers. The mobile vehicle is equipped with Information Education Communication-IEC Materials to distribute while in the communities. Those who get interested are carried to and from the VMMC sites form VMMC services.
Lessons learned: The mobile van benefits residents of the mapped areas where VMMC camps are planned as it has made access to information through IEC Material use much more available to residents in the catchment areas. 2,188 males have received VMMC services and followed up with (741Males 5-15years, 1440 of 15-49 and 7 males >49years. (TASO VVMC Annual report 2017). The mobile vehicle also serves as a mobile health education center in the community.
Conclusions/Next steps: The mobile vehicle is a feasible strategy for mobilizing VMMC Participants and recommended to Implementing Partners so as to cover wider areas and achieve VMMC Targets
Keywords: USAID-United States Agency for International Development, VMMC-Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision, TASO-The AIDS Support Organization, TT-Tetanus Toxoid.