
Background: Uganda has implemented Option B+ since 2012, but there is limited data on 24-months outcomes of HIV exposed infants. We examined the 24-month cumulative incidence of HIV-Infection, loss to follow-up and death among HIV exposed infants at regional referral hospitals in Uganda. We also determined the factors associated with mother to child HIV transmission (MTCT).
Methods: We respectively reviewed clinical charts of HIV exposed infants (HEI) recruited in care between October 2012 and September 2013 at 11 regional referral hospitals in Uganda. The 24-month cumulative incidence of HIV, LTFU, and death was calculated using competing risks analysis, and predictors of MTCT determined using sub-distributional hazard regression analysis.
Results: .Of 2959 HEI, 83 (2.8%) were excluded for missing date of birth and 2776 were included in the analysis. Of these 2776, the median age at 1st HIV test was 7 weeks [interquartile range: 6.4-12]. The 24-month cumulative of HIV infection, LTFU and death was 7.5% (95%CI: 6.6%, 8.5%), 31.7% (95%CI: 30%, 33.5%) and 0.9% (95%CI: 0.6%, 1.4%) respectively. The factors associated with MTCT were: mother or infant not receiving ARV''s for PMTCT Subdistributional Hazard ratio (sHR) 2.2(95% CI: 1.5, 3.2) and sHR 1.7(95%CI: 1.1, 2.6) respectively; Testing at age 2-6 month [sHR 2.1(95%CI: 1.3, 3.4)] or age >7month [sHR 2.8(95%CI: 1.5, 5.1)] compared to testing 2 months of age. Other factors were mixed feeding, complementary feeding or no-longer breastfeeding at the time of first HIV test compared to those who were exclusively breastfed see table 1.
Conclusions: MTCT rate and loss to follow-up of HEI from care at regional referral hospitals in Uganda are high. Factors to prevent MTCT are maternal and infant ARV use, early care entry and testing, and exclusive breastfeeding. Loss to follow-up should be addressed.

Predictors*Total% infectedUnivariable analysis Crude SHR (95%CI) P-ValueMultivariable analysis aSHR (95% CI) p-Value  
Mother ARV''s for PMTCTa Yes No2207 2465 241 5.1 (3.8, 7.1) <0.0011 2.2(1.5,3.2) <0.001  
Infant ARV''s for PMTCTb Yes No1813 5713.9 18.71 5 (3.7, 6.8) <0.0011 1.7(1.1,2.6) 0.02  
Infant feeding at testingc EBF Replacement feeding Mixed feeding Complementary feeding No longer BF2198 82 86 276 863.8 11 17.4 24.3 24.41 3.1(1.6,6.2) 5.0(2.9,8.7) 6.7(4.9,9.2) 6.6(4.2,10.4) <0.0011 1.9(0.9,4.1) 0.11 2.2(1.1,4.3) 0.022 2.1(1.2,3.8) 0.015 2.3(1.2,4.3) 0.008  
Age (months) at 1st HIV test <2 2-6 >71699 731 3462.8 9 26.31 3.3 (2.3,4.9) 9.7(6.9,13.8) <0.0011 2.1(1.3,3.4) 0.003 2.8(1.5,5.1) 0.001  
Place of deliveryd Health facility Home/TBA2009 3715.9 151 2.7(1.9,3.7) 0.05   
Age of Mom (years)e <20 20-24 25 and above45 289 155813.3 8 5.72.5 (1.1,5.7) 1.4 (0.9,2.2) 1   
Entry pointf YCC ANC Maternity/postnatal ward Pead/nutrition OPD ART clinic Another health facility651 396 677 81 171 354 1344 4 2.36 56.8 14.8 7.34 11.21 1.0(0.5,1.9) 0.6(0.3, 1.1) 17.6(11,28.3) 4.1(2.4,7.0) 1.8(1.1,3.1) 2.9(1.5,5.5) <0.001*adjusted for health facility a 323 missing values b392 missing values c48 missing values d396 missing values e884missing values f312 missing values SHR- subdistribution hazard ratio  
[Factors associated with mother to child HIV transmission at 11 RRH, Uganda (N=2776)]